Tuesday, 21 February 2017

Protect your Intellectual Property With the Help of Farjami LLP

Fights for intellectual property are very common these days. With more and more innovations being seen around these days, it has become really difficult to fight for patents, trademarks or copyrights. Farjami & Farjami LLP is a leading law firm which helps you to protect your intellectual property. The law firm specializes in various areas of intellectual property law such as patents, trademarks and copyrights for institutional clients. The patent lawyers are highly experienced and specialized in providing assistance and expertise in the area of medicine, networks, microprocessors, internet, software, semiconductors, telecommunications and other mechanical devices. The law firm also assists you with licensing and transactions, intellectual property litigation, international IP protection, trade secrets, software and internet. Your leading edge innovations would be safeguarded by Farjami LLP.


As a testimony to the services rendered by this law firm, the Corporate Counsel has named this firm as the "Go-To Intellectual Property Law Firm" for the top Fortune 500 Companies since 2010. The patent lawyers work closely with their clients to analyze patent portfolios and to procure patents. The patent lawyers generally dig into patentable inventions, identify them and prioritize the patentable inventions. They also help the company to devise patent programs. They also help tech businesses by handling internet patents, wireless patents, semi-conductor patents, computer patents, electronic and electrical patents, software patents and others.

The lawyers also have huge experience in handling trademark litigations and arguing the cases in federal and state courts. The lawyers help the high tech industries in searching for trademark availability. The copyright process is a very complicated process because there are certain things that can come under copyright laws and there are other things that do not come under the copyright law. The lawyers first educate the person who wants to copyright his piece of technology on the process and the elements that can be put under the copyright umbrella. The lawyers ensure that the client is aware of the copyright ownership issues. The lawyers assist in coordinating federal registrations for copyrightable work and licenses. The lawyers also assist in preparing and negotiating all the agreements pertaining to copyright ownership and infringement.


High tech industries are present all over the globe and the intellectual property laws vary from country to country. It therefore becomes very difficult to comply with the laws of all the countries. What is right in one country may be wrong in other country. Farjami & Farjami LLP has some of the best lawyers who are well versed with the international law relating to copyrights, trademarks and patents.

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